I love this app! Its awesome. And so fun to make people! Ive made sooooo many! I cant count them!
There is a couple things I would like to change though.
1. More than 2 people on videos.
2. More clothing/shoes options.
3. Maybe kids-elderly?
4. More HAIR!!!!!
5. Hats?
6. More decal options.
7. Lastly....... Fix the video bug! Every time Im making a video, itll crash and none of the video will be saved! Itll exit out of the game and when I come back, itll just have my character I was using back to the beginning (the home screen). I have lost a lot of work Ive done on this game! It makes me wanna slam my iPad against the wall!!!!!!! Luckily Ive finished a video! Only one out of about 10!!!!!
I ......... about My Talking Avatar